About the author
We are all a product of our lives. The choices we’ve made, the places we’ve been, and most of all, the people we’ve met, all contribute to who we are as individuals. Whether positive or negative, each experience creates a building block of our lives.
In my sixty plus years, I have been blessed with an abundance of experiences to draw upon. I believe it is my job as a writer to bring those experiences and the personalities I have met to life in my stories. Well-received novels take experiences, and put them into words on a page.
Starting with nothing, my wife and I built a successful trucking business, employing over one hundred people. During the last twenty years, we have been blessed and have been able to enjoy the fruits of our labor by traveling the world. From Fairbanks, Alaska and Mount Denali; across the world to Valparaiso and Santiago, Chile. We have seen the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the ruins of ancient Greece. We’ve enjoyed the great fiesta called the Guelaguetza of Oaxaca, Mexico and the island of Sicily. I’ve seen the ruins of Pompeii, the majesty of Rome, and the biblical cities of Turkey.
Now as a writer I can share these experiences. I want to take my readers on a wonderful journey with me. The mind is an amazing tool; the human imagination is what gives us our soul. A properly written novel can create a more powerful visual story than any movie, as the human imagination knows no bounds.
I’ve always had a passion for learning new things. Writing gives me the opportunity to combine old knowledge and experiences with new knowledge, in order for my books to be based in fact. Doing the research makes my stores relevant, and my experiences give them life.
On behalf of myself, my wife, my three sons, and my six grandchildren, I invite you to travel with me. Let your mind vacation far away from the daily grind, if only for an hour or two each night. I hope you enjoy and please do get back to me. I’d love to hear from you.
Alan D. Schmitz